Uniting Brazil (intro)

Updates on the Brazilian mission

Monday 21 May 2012

Those 10 000 Reasons

One of the more powerful stories I've come across recently was from a sermon I listened to by Jackie Pullinger, called God Uses Foolish Things. She has a really good point in there that I want to share with you. She was working in a drug rehab, and introducing people to Jesus. She wouldn't preach to them, or read the bible to them, she would just introduce them to Him, and pray for them, and wait for the Holy Spirit to talk to them. In response to hearing Him, these drug addicts would then give their lives to Jesus.
They would stay at the rehab house with her to help get off drugs, and they would then go through the bible. But she wouldn't teach the bible to them, she would discuss the stories in the gospels, and get them to discuss it with each other. Around three days after introducing them to Jesus, she would get to the parable of the man who finds a treasure in the field, sells all he has and buys the field (Matthew 13:44). Then they would discuss this parable. So, she would ask them, "Do you think you understand this story?", they'd say yes. "So then, tell me, who is the man in the parable, and what is the treasure?" She says, 100% of the time these men who had had no theological teaching, often no teaching whatsoever, in fact, would respond "Well, Jesus is the man, and I am the treasure." Which she says is theologically correct, unless you think you can buy God. I thought that they would reply the other way around, because that's the way I've been taught it by a pastor. Or a man. They have never been taught it by man, they only have the Holy Spirit to listen to for understanding.
When I heard this, I was quite astonished when I reflected on how I read the bible. I often will be reading a passage with a particular sermon in mind, and not be clearing my mind and waiting for Christ to reveal to me His heart behind the words. I just thought how I need to start reading the bible over in a completely new way. With God. It was Him that wrote it, He is the Word, and He is living in me. Surely something should be able to penetrate the intellect and alter the spirit?
When I depend on man, I fear that I will run out of power, or inspiration for falling in love with God, because man is so finite. If I forget all earthly wisdom, and depend entirely on God, I truly believe I could, daily, get those "10 000 reasons" to fall in love with Him all over gain.