The value placed on anything is normally
determined by the worth assigned it by outside factors. Did you follow that? For
example, the value of petrol is increasing all the time, because people all over
the world are demanding it, saying it's worthy of their hard-earned money and so
people will pay higher prices for it. Lesser objects in this world will get none
of our attention or money because we don't really care for their
it comes to a human life, however, we seem to throw away this whole idea, and we
attempt to assign our own value on our own lives, and on the lives of each
other, when we have no position or right to do that, because we're of the same
calibre. Engineers cannot set their own value on a construction project. This is
why we have actuaries. (otherwise there's a good chance we'd demand more than
we're worth) But we still seem to decide, based on the things that happen to us
and the reactions people give us, just how valuable our very own lives
cannot set the value of our own life, only God, being the outside factor, can.
Which is why, in Matthew 10, Jesus challenges people on their self worth saying
that we're of far more value to God than anything we take the time to give a
high value to. Straight after that, He says that if we deny Him before man,
He'll deny us before God. A lot of us seem to struggle with this whole idea. We
don't believe that we are of any value to Jesus, that He doesn't care for us at
all, so we completely reject His attempt to love us and deny Him. His response
to that, being a just and righteous Being, can only be to deny us before
Many of us have gone through really tough
times in life, and through this concluded that we can't have any value to God.
He must not care for us because of this. We forget how He promises justice at
the end of life, and that He, Himself, will wipe away every tear. If we have
been wronged, it was never that our value fell beneath God's love, preventing
Him from acting. That's completely opposite to what His Word says. More often,
it's that people, with free will, have either disregarded the worth of the human
life and acted with that disrespect for humanity, or there has been a medical
deficiency putting an obstacle in the path of this love God offers. Either way,
He made it very clear that every single human life on this earth was of infinite
value to Him when He paid an infinite price on a cross. So, ultimately, who are
we to say that anyone else is of less value to a quality life than we are, or
that we ourselves cannot qualify for all God has to offer? With this in mind,
let us remember that our temporal state of life is not the focus of God. Our
eternal, just, and righteous communion with Him is the reward of His undeserving
value He mysteriously places on us, His sons and daughters.
More and more I am being reminded about the
undeserving suffering that these kids on the street are having to endure, and I
am aware and appalled knowing that it is primarily through the ignorance of
people who have decided these precious lives are not worth their space on this
earth. My heart is to see their lives being reevaulated. To see them placed back
in the arms of love, and returned to a life of hope, and a future that is
unlimited in potential.